Drawing Dog - Volvic
  created with graphit pencils BY THE ANIMAL ARTIST LAURENCE SAUNOIS

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"Volvic"- Graphite pencils on paper - 20 cm x 30 cm

Small dog drawing by animal artist Laurence Saunois


Animal Painter and Woman Artist :

Laurence Saunois is a realistic and even hyper-realistic animal artist. Her oil paintings are studied to emphasize her subjects and her symbols. Often behind each painting, there is a story: an encounter, an observation, a moment of emotion.
Do not hesitate to contact her. She will be at your disposal to guide you and inform you about any specific request or order.


  • How do you order the painter's pen drawing of your pet? It's very simple, just contact the artist. She will give you all the information you need to order your drawing. She will tell you how to proceed. First, you can send her photos and she will tell you which one she thinks is the best to make a drawing.  
  • Can I order a painting even if I don't live in the same area as the artist? Of course you can. Thanks to the Internet and the telephone, everything can be done remotely.

  • Can I pay in installments? Yes, you can pay your order in several installments. In principle, the payment is made in two steps with a deposit of 30% at the order and the balance when the drawing is completed. But, you can also, if you wish, pay in 4 times by checks made out to the ANIMAL ARTIST Laurence Saunois or with Paypal where a payment in 4 times is possible (see the terms)

  • How long does it take to make a drawing ?  The deadlines of realization take into account the orders in progress.

  • Will I be kept informed of the progress of my order? Yes, throughout the realization of your drawing, the artist sends you by e-mail photos of the progress. You will be able to see the progress of your order.

  • How does the delivery work? Once your drawing is finished, Laurence Saunois organizes the delivery by setting a date that suits you. She takes care of the packaging that will protect your work. You will receive your package with your artwork as soon as possible.
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