From customers and collectors

The experience of those who have called on me for a unique creation.

The experience of those who have called on me for a unique creation.
Your feedback is invaluable! If you'd like to share your experience, please don't hesitate to leave a testimonial. Every word is an inspiration and a motivation to continue this artistic adventure.
I just received your shipment this morning.
The artwork is just beautiful.
It looked like a child at Christmas when I carefully unwrapped it.
Thank you for your attention, kindness and professionalism.
I'll be sure to mention you around me when people ask me about this work ... because people will definitely ask me about it.
I wish you a good weekend.
All the best.
Received my dog's portrait today.
What a thrill. The feeling of having the animal in my hands.
The attention to detail, the volumes, the colors, of course, and the dog's expression, so true to life. All done with woodcock's feathers.
Pure talent in all its expression.
Bravo and many thanks, Madame SAUNOIS.
Painting of Dog by Laurence Saunois, animal artist
"The paintings that you made this year for our family are splendid. For the portrait of Irgen the truffle seems wet, it is really very successful. Without forgetting the woodcocks that you have drawn for Christmas, the dog in the car or the drawing offered to Dad.
Thank you for your work, I wish you many orders.
Painting of Newfoundland by Laurence Saunois, animal artist
"At the beginning of this year, we had the great sorrow of losing - at a more than respectable age, it is true - our beloved dog, Jasper (he appears on this site in two and three dimensions). I was looking on the Internet for someone who could do a faithful portrait of him, and I came across Laurence and knew right away that it would be her. This finesse of perception, this sense of detail, this art of shapes and colors, all these animals that spring so alive from her paintings and photos...
I paint (not so much anymore) and photograph (a lot) too, her technique and her look fascinate me.
They say that every cloud has a silver lining. Jasper is back with us, in painting and sculpture, so successful, so HIM. And thanks to Laurence's kindness, her openness, her sensitivity, I have gained a very good friend.
Thank you, my great artist. May you bring to others the same consolation as to us. I kiss you from the bottom of my heart.."
I was delighted to meet the owners of
Olga des Landes aux Vignes and hand-delivered the woodcock feather drawing of their dog at the Salon de la Bécasse.
Thank you to them for coming.
It's always a pleasure to meet my customers.

"Lots of emotions and tears when I discovered your painting. What a beautiful and great artwork.
Congratulations and thank you so much."
C. & T. D

"Douce has arrived, and you have made her so real to me
she is magnificently beautiful, too beautiful

Bravo for the packaging, it gave the impression of matriochkas, it was very well protected, moreover, at the unpacking I had 2 colleagues present who exclaimed of admiration before your work.

Thank you again Mrs. Saunois, I am so happy and you were a thousand times right, it is even more beautiful than on the various photos that you could send me.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you".
"Dear Madam,
Here is a small word to tell you that the reception was done in good conditions, As for the painting .... What to say, moved to tears for my part and my husband, impressed, infinitely delighted ....
Thank you again for all this work which will fill us with wonder every day from now on under the features of our daughter. It's a pleasure to meet you.

"Dear Mrs. Saunois
I have received the portrait of futé. Thank you again for this wonderful work
Sincerely "
Drawing of a Brittany spaniel with woodcock feather : animal artist Laurence Saunois
Just a quick note to tell you that my wife loved your artwork
as well as all our friends present at this event!
Thanks again and see you soon maybe
C. P.

«Tombé par hasard au grès de mes recherches sur la bécasse sur cette page d’artiste je me suis laissé envahir par le désir profond de graver à jamais le portrait de mon chien.
Quelle magnifique surprise que de pouvoir échanger avec l’artiste qui allait pouvoir donner vie éternelle à mon compagnon du quotidien.
Je me suis laissé aller à passer commande et quelle fut mon émotion à la découverte du premier croquis
Je ne pourrai exprimer l’émotion ressentie à l’ouverture du trésor emballé avec soins
Des larmes de joie accompagnées d’un plaisir intense de découvrir qu’à jamais mon chien vivrait à travers la plume et le talent de cette artiste
Merci Laurence pour ce plaisir intense et intarissable
Vous avez réussi à réunir ma passion de le bécasse et l’amour que je porte à mon chien à travers cette œuvre
Vous m’avez offert à travers cela une joie indéfinie qui donne à mon chien une présence éternelle à travers le regard de toux ceux qui le regarderont et du mien
Je ne pourrai jamais oublier nos échanges et l’investissement que vous y avez mis.
A travers quelques échanges et une simple photo vous arrivez à retranscrire les émotions et l’amour
Votre talent, votre sensibilité n’a pas de prix
Vos œuvres vivent, vos œuvres rendent heureux

Jerémy S. / Novembre 2019

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