Nympheus Luminansis ©
“10 paintings, 10 atmospheres, the project of a lifetime, a Tribute to Claude Monet, a hymn to color and light”.

It was during the visit of the garden of the famous impressionist painter Claude Monet that I had a real pictorial revelation. I was totally overwhelmed by what I had felt and seen in front of the famous water garden of Giverny.
I immediately wanted to create a series of paintings that would put on canvas my vision of color and light while paying tribute to Claude Monet. I wanted to create paintings that would bring the feeling of a colorful, luminous and harmonious nature and that would make the people who would look at my paintings feel like active spectators. Indeed, the colors of my paintings would change according to the lighting brought as if the sun and the clouds were there, present.
Nympheus Luminansis will consist of 10 paintings that will all be exhibited together
I immediately wanted to create a series of paintings that would put on canvas my vision of color and light while paying tribute to Claude Monet. I wanted to create paintings that would bring the feeling of a colorful, luminous and harmonious nature and that would make the people who would look at my paintings feel like active spectators. Indeed, the colors of my paintings would change according to the lighting brought as if the sun and the clouds were there, present.
Nympheus Luminansis will consist of 10 paintings that will all be exhibited together