Musee Champollion, les écritures du monde

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The Musée Champollion is partnering the exhibition Nympheus Luminansis.

The Champollion Museum, the writings of the world

The Musée Champollion, les écritures du Monde welcomes visitors with a "façade of a thousand letters", highlighting the passionate work of the famous discoverer of hieroglyphs, Jean-François Champollion. In keeping with the mysteries of the world's writings, the collections are, for the most part, unprecedented, and will take you on a journey to the four corners of the globe, wherever objects inscribed with brush, calamus or pen have revealed the universal nature of human beings, with all their differences: writing.
The Musée Champollion has been awarded the "Maison des illustres" label, as Jean-François was born in this house in Figeac in 1790.

More about the Musée Champollion, les écritures du Monde

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