2023 - Mai - American Alliance of Museum

About the American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo

The AAM Annual Meeting first started in 1906 in New York with under 200 museum professionals and has grown to over 5,000 attendees, becoming the largest museum conference in the United States.

The AAM Annual Meeting is the only event of its scope and scale. It brings together museums of all types and sizes—from art and history museums to zoos and botanic gardens—to share ideas and make connections that are transformational. It’s a place where all museum professionals learn from one another, create partnerships, and leave inspired to make an impact on their museums, communities, and the world.

The exhibition "Nympheus Luminansis, the water lilies of light" is presented in the the American Alliance of Museum catalog, in Denver, during their annual meeting.

AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo

Each year the AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo welcomes the largest number of museum professionals in the world, representing the U.S. and more than 50 countries. #AAM2023 takes place May 19-22 in Denver, Colorado, and explores how more museums can harness the power of social impact, in order to build thriving, relevant, and essential institutions

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