Art & Nature

Art & Nature, Art at the service of Nature

"I think that animal art must be at the service of Nature, animals and people. It is for this reason that some of my works have been sold to raise funds for associations for the protection of Biodiversity in all its forms. You will find below the associations and the organizations which were helped". Laurence Saunois

Gala Just World International

Charity Gala
8 August, 2017

Haras de la Poterie - Tourgeville - Deauville

Auction of an Art'inGlass art print of the painting "I love you" - 100 cm x 150 numbered 1/10

Explorers Agains Extinction

London & New York

Kayamoja ArtConnects Trust

is a non profit organisation based in Namibia. It developed out of the founder's (Annika Funke Barnard) ArtConnects project which was initiated under the theme: “What we learn to love, we learn to respect.”

Explorers Agains Extinction

Avec la Royal Geographical Society de Londres.

Just World International

Gala Just World International
Charity Gala - Haras de la Poterie - Tourgeville - Deauville

Auction of an Art'inGlass art print of the painting "I love you" - 100 cm x 150 numbered 1/10


The founder of Kalaweit, Chanee works in Indonesia to safeguard biodiversity and gibbons in particular. Chanee is actively fighting against the deforestation of the primary forest by the palm oil industries.

Animals Asia Fondation

is devoted to the protection of wild and urban animals in Asia: bears exploited for their bile (used in traditional Chinese medicine), dogs and cats reduced to consumer products.

100% have been donated

Noah's Wish

aide et sauvetage des animaux victimes de catastrophes naturelles aux Etats-Unis et au Canada.

100 % de la vente a été reversée

Galgos France

aide et sauve des chiens Galgos victimes de la cruauté de leurs maîtres en Espagne

100 % de la vente a été reversée

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