My Garden
In my garden, The "Jardin de Jammary"....
In the countryside, my garden covers 5000 m2. I have only one wish: to welcome as much biodiversity as possible. Every plant and every animal has its place in it. It is home to a very rich fauna and flora. Several dozen species of birds, several hundred butterflies, insects, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, bats and other creatures, all find shelter and food in my organic garden.
In 2011, my good environmental practices were awarded by the Ministry of the Environment in the Ecophyto competition.
My garden has a particularity: I never water it!
In 2011, my good environmental practices were awarded by the Ministry of the Environment in the Ecophyto competition.
My garden has a particularity: I never water it!
Mon atelier sur la nature
Mon atelier sur la nature
Mon atelier sur la nature
Mon atelier sur la nature
Ecophyto, Jardiner Autrement 2011

En 2011, mon jardin "Le Jardin de Jammary" a été primé au concours Ecophyto, Jardiner Autrement.

Avec Monsieur Claude Bureaux, ancien responsable des collections horticoles du Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris lors de notre visite à Terra Botanica en 2011 pour la remise des prix aux lauréats d'Ecophyto, Jardiner Autrement.