EXhibition - Dane G. Hansen Museum
Kansas - USA
Nympheus luminansis, les nympheas de la lumière - waterlilies of light  by LAURENCE SAUNOIS © 2024

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Exposition Nympheus Luminansis - Dane G. Hansen Museum - Nympheus Luminansis - laurence Saunois
Dane G. Hansen Museum - Kansas - USA

Dane G. Hansen Museum - 110 West Main St - Logan, Kansas

Dane G. Hansen Museum - Kansas
The Hansen Museum aims to promote the cultural and artistic interests of the people of Northwest Kansas. With world-class rotating exhibits, monthly spotlighted artists, and an extensive permanent collection featuring artifacts from the lives of one of Logan’s founding families, the Hansen Museum maintains a diverse appeal. A forum for cultural and artistic exploration, the Museum is dedicated to providing exhibitions and continuing education programs to cultivate public interest in the arts. Following Mr. Hansen’s example, the Hansen Museum seeks to build up its community, sharing local and global art with the people of Northwest Kansas.

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